Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I hope that all of you have enjoyed seeing Okinawa thru my eyes. This has been one of the most wonderful experiences of my VA career. I celebrated my 29th anniversary of serving veterans on April 4th. I have worked over half of my life (a whole lot more than half - LOL) serving those that have made it possible to have the freedoms we have today. I am so thankful for each person that I have served. I still feel the same way that I felt on April 4, 1980, I want to treat each and every veteran that I serve the same way that I wanted my Dad treated.

I send a special thank you to everyone that made this trip possible. My family, especially Stephen, for loving and trusting me to be gone for almost five months! To Jennifer for posting her Facebook with how much she missed her mom! To Morgan who was always excited to talk to me and who made me smile every time I heard her voice!

To all my friends at the VARO that answered all my questions when I didn’t have computer access. To all my other friends that e-mailed and sent cards to let me know that they hadn’t forgotten me.

Last but not least, to Cheryl, my VARO Director and to Brad, Wes, Ed and all the staff at VA Central Office for choosing me to represent the Department of Veterans Affairs all the way on the other side of the world!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Carol!

    Just googled some Oki and found your blog! Not sure if you will get this, but I spoke with Bill D who replaced you in Oki - and so i'm guessing this is your page. I just wanted to say hello and I enjoyed reading some of your blog -- I fly out tomorrow for Oki.

