Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Central Standard Time
Just in case you are wondering, for some reason my blog is on Arkansas time, so when it says this post was at 5:37 a.m. on January 28th; it is really 8:37 p.m. on January 28th. My day is almost over and yours is just about to begin! Have a wonderful day and think about me on the other side of the world!
Another wonderful sunset!
I just don't think that my camera is doing a good job of showing the color in the pictures I have been taking. So, I got a new card today that meant I had to head to the ocean to see if that helped! I think it did help, if nothing else, it made me feel wonderful to sit outside on the patio at the Seaside Inn and watch another beautiful sunset! The sunset over the ocean makes it seems as though everything is so peaceful, and for those few minutes everything is alright. Of course it is much better to share it with someone you love, so the closet I can come to that tonight is to send a picture and say I am thinking of all of you!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Kijimuna sighting!
I have been seeing a little elf type creature around the island, I thought he was a miniature Jolly Green Giant, I actually thought it meant there was a roadside fruit and vegetable stand close by! I learned today that he is called Kijimuna, which mean tree people. The store is that he is a little person that lives in the trees. He has red hair all over his body, and is usually a good guy, but can also play tricks on people also. Legend says that he appears and helps fishermen, in return for helping the fishermen, he gets to eat the left eyeball of the fish, the fisherman gets the rest of the fish. When I was in Okuma, I went to a gallery and there were several pictures of a red “monster” looking thing, see the picture I have here. I think this is actually Kijimuna. Those of you that have been here before, do you remember Kijimuna?
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Another week down!

Sunday – I meet a really nice couple and their teenage daughter today at Church, Lauren, Steve and their daughter Stephanie. They were telling me some places to go. Lauren, Stephanie and I are going to do a girl’s day soon; they are going to take me to some of their favorite places. Lauren works in out patient records at Camp Lester, which is the Naval Hospital here on the island. This is where the service members and their dependents along with retirees are treated. Lauren said this is where I would go if I need any medical treatment. I told her no offense, but I don’t plan on needing to go there! I had a call from one of the Chaplain’s there, so I am going to get Tony our Retirees Activities Officer to take me by and meet everyone.
You all may know I got some bad news this weekend, Sugar passed away. Stephen bought her for me 15 years ago. She had completely lost her hearing and every morning, I would have to actually wake her up to go outside. I had a feeling that she may not be with us when I got home. Stephen took a picture of her and Morgan on his phone, the quality is not great, but it still shows how beautiful she was. Morgan told me that because Jazmin was missing Sugar, they were going to go to the pet store to buy her a special treat and another puppy. Stephen had to tell her a couple of times that they were getting another puppy!
I went today to a Ryukyu Dance performance at the Convention Center. It was so awesome. There were all different types of dancing. The Shisa Dog and Dragon dances were great. I took some pictures, I am going to post a few.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Feeling better!
It is Sunday morning and I feel like a human again! I have been sick since Thursday night with a stomach virus. When it started I thought maybe it was something I had eaten. I went to Four Seasons restaurant for supper. It is a steak house that cooks at your table. It was good – but actually Shogun or Benihana is better! I went on to work Friday because I had a briefing and appointments. I struggled thru the day, came home and I have been in bed with the trash can beside me ever since! I am feeling better and getting ready for Church now. I will go this afternoon to the Ryukyu dance performance. Hopefully I will get some pictures to post. I miss you all. Skype is a wonderful program; I wish you all would download it so we can talk!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Radio pictures
I forgot to upload my pictures from my short radio introduction. I was really nervous, but it went good. All I really did was introduce myself and give my office location and phone numbers. But Paige the lady sitting on the far right of me had tickets to give away to a Ryukyu dance, so the contest was they had to call in with the name of the new VA rep. So about three times during the 30 minute spot the DJ said we have a new VA rep and I introduced myself again. It was fun! PS, the guy that won only wanted three tickets, so I got the extra ticket. I am looking forward to seeing this performance. Have a great day!
Konnichiwa Party
Radio star
Wednesday - I had a briefing this morning and everything went great. I am getting where I have pretty much memorized the screens so I don't have to read them anymore, which is a good thing for the people listening to me! I had a short radio spot this afternoon. The Marines had a radio spot and they used part of the time for me. I introduced myself and told my office hours, locations and phone numbers. The Air Force was trying to get me on first! When I went to my office at the AFB, they are still planning on getting me on early morning so that people can hear me before work. I will actually answer questions and give a little more information about VA during that interview. I am going this weekend to pick Mecon's, which are the wonderful clementines (like tangerines) there at home. I was given a ticket to go Sunday to a Traditional Ryukyu Dance performance at the convention center. I am really looking forward to that! Well, I will close for tonight. I miss you all - I would love to hear from all of you!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Weekend in Okuma
Went up north to Okuma - Air Force Beach Resort this past weekend, it was great. I took a million pictures, and none of them do justice to what I actually saw! I met the Consulate Chief and she went up with me. She has been here since November and doesn't have a car yet. The beach was wonderful. We found a beach the we really like. It is at the most northern point on the island, we called this beach Dolphin Bay, because there is a sign there that has the picture of a dolphin. We don't know if that means there are dolphin close by or what. We never saw any dolphins, but it was a beautiful place and had great shells. I am putting a picture of the beach looking out from our room. When I get everyone's e-mail address in Shutterfly, I will send the link to all my pictures. I am going to the Cherry Blossom festival this weekend. I miss you all!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Spiderman is in Okinawa~
1-15-09 - Thursday - Well I have been here two weeks and I have already worn out the TV. You remember my ignorance of not being able to watch my videos last weekend? Well Tuesday evening I couldn't get a picture on my TV. I called and reported it, yesterday when I came in there was a note that it was working and the cable was loose. When I turned on the TV, still a blank screen! So I called back. I was beginning to think I just don't know how to use this TV. Stephen is the one that takes care of all the technical stuff at home! So I met the building manager here today, and he admitted that he thought I just didn't know how to use the TV, about that time, the picture went off! He checked it and the picture tube is out. Thank goodness, there is really something wrong! Anyway, tomorrow I will move to a room downstairs, which is great because it is close to the laundry room and on the first floor! My feet have really been swelling; Jennifer, Stephen and I decided that it is because I am on my feet so much more than usual.
I went to Camp Kinzer Marine Base yesterday for a briefing, it is on the beach. There were big purple sea shells. I said I will have to bring everyone a purple sea shell so they will think of me when they see it! It was so exciting!
I saw Spiderman yesterday. He was climbing a building in Okinawa, check out his picture.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Back to work
1-12-09 - Monday - back to work. I am really enjoying my job. It is amazing the type of questions that come up. There was one man that is 83 and is retired from the military and retired as an AFFEES (civilian type military employee here), that needs more supervised medical care. His daughter-in-law called to find out about getting this set up for him. She had recently found out that he had not been getting his money from military retired pay or his civilian retirement, (veteran never told his son he wasn't getting his check.) She was trying to get his money situated and his future medical needs taken care of. He had over $32,000 in civilian retirement due to him; they had not been able to contact him due to whereabouts unknown. The bad part of this, is when he retired from his civilian job here, he stayed here so he has been here over 15 years illegally. Not only do they have to take care of getting him medical care, but they now have to deal with immigration, which she said is not looking too good. Another bad part of this is her mother in law was a Japanese National, so they can't actually prove this man is the father of her husband. Now I am trying to figure out how I can help get some medical care arranged for this veteran! He will probably go back to Hawaii and hopefully I can assist in getting in touch with the VAMC there. Sorry to bore you with all this, but any of you they have ever taken care of an aging parent knows what a challenge this can be under the best of circumstances.
I have to do better with posting everyday! It is hard to make any sense of the order of the pictures that I am posting. Jennifer could probably do this with no problem, but she isn't here to teach me!
I miss you all and hope that you are enjoying Okinawa thru my eyes. Please keep in touch. Remember, I don't hear any tidbits of info from home, so even the little things or just a note to say Hi are important to me!
I have to do better with posting everyday! It is hard to make any sense of the order of the pictures that I am posting. Jennifer could probably do this with no problem, but she isn't here to teach me!
I miss you all and hope that you are enjoying Okinawa thru my eyes. Please keep in touch. Remember, I don't hear any tidbits of info from home, so even the little things or just a note to say Hi are important to me!
My first Okinawan sunset
When I went back to the base, I decided to go across the base and out Gate 1 to check out the Kadena Marina. I found the place that I will be spending a lot of time. There is a nice restaurant, the Seaside Inn. It was wonderful; I sat there and watched the sun go down over the East China Sea. You all know me, there aren't that many places that I can think of that are better than watch the sunset over the ocean! When I left the Seaside Inn, I headed back to my apartment and there in front of me was the biggest full moon I have ever seen. It was really awesome in one direction the beautiful sunset and the other direction an awesome moon! I am only putting a few sunset pictures on here. You can only imagine how many I took; my theory is you can never have too many sunset pictures!
First weekend explorations
1-10-09 - Saturday - I left work Friday not feeling very well, so I rested all weekend. I shipped two boxes, which contains my allergy medicine. Needless to say, that was not a good idea. I should have packed it to bring with me! Saturday I only got out to go to the post office, the shoppette to buy allergy medicine and rent a few movies. Renting a movie and taking it easy was a great plan, only one exception, I couldn't figure out how to make the TV go to video! The movies were due back today, and low and behold this morning before work I figured it out! Well, at least I will know for next time!
1-11-09 - Sunday - I felt a little better. I slept in and went to Church at 12:30. After church I drove out Gate 2 and followed this road all the way to the end of the, which is the other side of the island, (probably not more than 10 - 15 miles.) I saw a place called Mos Burgers, Japanese Burger and Coffee House. So I decided to be adventurous and try that for lunch. It wasn't bad, I had a cheeseburger, besides meat and cheese it had chopped onions, a thick slice of tomato and sauce. The sauce was like hot dog sauce, not chili, but the canned hot dog sauce. It was interesting.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Finally Friday!
My first week is has come to a close! Today has been cooler, it has been cloudy and tomorrow is supposed to be cloudy and possibly rainy. I am looking forward to getting some rest. I haven't felt really good today, I think it is allergies. I mailed a box on December 23rd and another on on December 26th, I haven't received either one yet. I am anxious to get some casual clothes and my medicine (which includes my allergy medicine). At the post office he told me it would only take 10 days to two weeks. Today is actually only two weeks, I guess it just seems longer!
I may get out and explore the area some more. Right outside gate 1 there is Kadena Marina. There is a restaruant and a seawall, so I might check it out! There is supposed to be a lot of stores and shops out of gate 2, which is very close to my apartment, I may go check them out.
I watched Jeopardy this evening and there was a man on there named Jack McPherson, he was from Mt. Ida, Arkansas. He won also!
I will take more pictures so you can get a glimpse of Okinawa.
Please share my blog with anyone that is interested. Please keep in touch either by commenting here on sending me an e-mail.
My mailing address is:
Family Services Program
ATTN: VA Rep - Carol Vogler
Unit 5134, Box 80
APO AP 96368-5134
I may get out and explore the area some more. Right outside gate 1 there is Kadena Marina. There is a restaruant and a seawall, so I might check it out! There is supposed to be a lot of stores and shops out of gate 2, which is very close to my apartment, I may go check them out.
I watched Jeopardy this evening and there was a man on there named Jack McPherson, he was from Mt. Ida, Arkansas. He won also!
I will take more pictures so you can get a glimpse of Okinawa.
Please share my blog with anyone that is interested. Please keep in touch either by commenting here on sending me an e-mail.
My mailing address is:
Family Services Program
ATTN: VA Rep - Carol Vogler
Unit 5134, Box 80
APO AP 96368-5134
Thursday, January 8, 2009
I'm finally making a post!
Hello everyone. it is Thursday and I am finally taking time to update my blog. I am going to share a little about how my week has been so far and a few pictures that I have taken. I really haven't gotten out an taken too many pictures. I arrived at my little apartment about 12:30 a.m. Saturday 1-3-09. First thing I did was try to get on the Internet so I could talk to Stephen over Skype. I worked on it for about an hour and couldn't get it connected. There were two guys in the hall so I got one of them to help me, and he couldn't get it either. So, about 2:00 a.m. my time, 11:00 a.m. Friday your time, I called Stephen. As soon as he answered I started crying. What a greeting! I felt really bad, because he had no idea what was wrong! Anyway, we talked and he made me feel a better. He researched and problem and the next morning I had an e-mail from him with the solution. And as usual, it work and I was able to get on the Internet. Now that I have filled you in on my arrival at my apartment, I will start over with letting you know by day what has been going on!
1-1-09 - Departed Little Rock at 8:30 a.m., flew to Dallas, departed there at 12:05 p.m. for Tokyo. The plane was packed! The flight was about 14 hours. I had my doctor give me something to sleep. I kept thinking that as soon as it gets dark I will take a sleeping pill. Well guess what? It never got dark! I watched the movie Nights in Rodanthe. I had seen this movie before, and it was great, so I knew exactly what to expect. Yes, Glena and Stephen, I reacted the very same way I did the first time I watched the movie! Luckily the lady sitting next to me was asleep and didn't notice I was blubbering! Then I watched Lakeview Terrace, it was good too. I arrived in Tokyo Nahrita airport at 4:30 p.m. on January 2nd. From there I had to take a bus to Haneda airport to fly to Okinawa, which left the airport at 7:30 p.m. I arrived in Okinawa at 10:45 p.m. When I got off the plane it was awesome, there are orchids everywhere in the airport at Okinawa. At home it is really hard to keep orchids alive and it seems like they are growing in the airport about like ivy does at home. My sponsor with the Air Force - Joe, and his daughter picked me up at the airport. The drive back to the base was about 45 minutes. Joe and his wife are from Guam, and their daughter is a junior in college at San Marcos, CA. Joe is here as a civilian employee for a four year tour. I think he has one more year to go. I got checked into my room and had the Internet melt down that I described above.
1-3-09 - Saturday - Joe picked me up at 10:00 a.m to go get my rental car and have my first driving lesson. We drove around Kadena AFB for about two hours. I should say I drove him around for about two hours (on base where the traffic wasn't too bad!) I don't know if I mentioned, not only do you sit on the wrong side of the car to drive here, you also drive on the wrong side of the road! Joe said to remember - keep your "hiney to the liney". At least I know that all the Americans go thru this same learning process! I definitely have to think before driving. You have to watch out or you are turning on the windshield wipers instead if the blinker. So when you see someone trying to turn and the windshield wipers come on, you know they are learning. I didn't sleep very well, one reason I left my pillow in Joe's car. All of the cars here are really small, some are only one cylinder.
1-4-09 - Sunday - I drove around here on base trying to find the Church. I drove past it on Saturday with Joe and I was determined to find that Church! Chapel 3 for those of you that have been here before - Sylvia and Butch -do you remember this place? The priest is Father Martin Luther King. He is wonderful - his message was so awesome. I will just share a few words from his homily. When we go to Church we don't need to be asking what am I getting out of this, but what can I give. You know Sunday was Epiphany, the three wise men went to see the baby Jesus and took him gifts, but they received more from visiting than they could ever have given. I share this story with you because when I sat down in Church I really was feeling lonely and missing Stephen, Jennifer, Morgan and everyone there, but I left there telling myself that I have a lot of knowledge about VA benefits to share with service members and veterans, so I have a lot to give to those that have given of themselves for our country! You all know that talking is one of my greatest assets!
After Church Pam, my Marine Corps contact picked me up and we went to the Officer's Club for Sunday brunch. She then took me to the 100 Yen Store. It is like our dollar store. They have so many neat things. I had to keep reminding myself that everything I buy I have to get home eventually! Still didn't sleep very good, still haven't gotten my pillow back!
1-5-09 - Monday - Pam met me at my apartment and we went to three of the Marine Bases today. We started at Camp Foster, which is where I have an office Monday - Wednesday. We left there and went to Camp Hansen, then went to Camp Schwab. Driving to Camp Hansen we drove along the coast for few miles, it was pretty. Camp Schwab is located on the beach. It is really nice. We ate at the Officer's Club which overlooks the beach. It was good and really nice. There have cabins at Camp Schwab that are across the road and up the hill from the beach. They seem nice, but you all know me, when I stay on the beach, I want to be ON THE BEACH! Kadena AFB has a resort on the beach that is really on the beach that I am going to try to get reservations. By the time I got back I was pretty tired! I went by the office and picked up my pillow from Joe, slept a little better.
1-6-09 - Tuesday - I had to drive to Camp Foster all by myself today. It is about a 20 minute drive that took me about 90 minutes. I didn't really get lost, I just missed a turn and kept driving and going back and forth until I finally found the turn. It got a little scary because all the signs are in Japanese. The streets don't have signs either. They drive by landmarks. I was looking for the monument at the end of the park to turn left. When I finally found the monument, it wasn't near as big as I remembered. I spent a few hours in the office, checking my voice mail and e-mail. I left the office around 1:00 to drive to Camp Hansen, which is where I had to go Wednesday morning for my first briefing. I got there fine, I was going to go back to Camp Foster because my briefing ends at 11:00 then I have another briefing at Camp Foster at 1:00, so I couldn't be late. Wouldn't you know I made one wrong turn and ended up going the opposite way of where I was trying to go. I ended up going toward Kadena (to my apartment). The only problem was I didn't know how to get there from that direction. Now mind you they had given me my cell phone, but it wasn't charged! So I drove and drove, then I remember someone I met told me to look for an airplane and follow it to the air base. I did that and it worked! I was dead tired. Went to bed at 8:00 p.m. and slept good!
1-7-09 - Wednesday - I arrived early for my first briefing. It was a group of young Marines, all guys that appeared to be between about 21 - 25 years old. Just kids, younger than Jennifer! It went really good, I left there and drove to Camp Foster just like I knew where I was going! Briefing that afternoon was a Pre-retirement briefing, so these men and women had spent 20+ years in the military and were planning for their future! They had a lot more questions and were really interactive and interested. My briefing went about 3o minutes over. My three hour briefing ended up being 3 1/2 hours, but it was good! Let me tell you though, my feet were killing me! Standing up for 7 hours was tough! When I got back to Kadena, someone had told me about an Italian restaurant on base - Mike's Place. I went there, it was alright, the do have awesome Tomato, Garlic, Basil soup! I had my first driving scare. I turned out the drive from Mike's Place and was minding my own business driving to my apartment, when the oncoming car flashed his lights a few times and I realized I was on the wrong side of the road. Thank goodness there wasn't any other traffic around. I took a hot bath and went to bed early!
1-8-09 - Thursday - today was my first day at my office at Kadena AFB, which is great because it is about two miles from my apartment! I didn't have any computer access there, so that made it a little difficult. All of the base computer system was down. I had about five or six interviews and 10 or so phone calls, it was a good day. I went to lunch with a co-worker, she is here from Oklahoma. we went to a Soba Restaurant, (soba is Japanese noodles like Ramein noodles) she insisted that I eat with chopsticks. She said that they use chopsticks at home all the time, She is teaching her three year old to eat with chopsticks. It took me a while to eat! I stopped by the Base Exchange after work and walked around a little. There has been a light rain all afternoon, but the temperature has been perfect. It has been between 50 - 60 at night and in the mid 60's during the day. Wonderful weather! I had some popcorn for supper and now I am getting ready for my nightly bath ritual.
I think I am up to date with posting, so I will be more regular now that I am caught up!
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