Monday, January 12, 2009

Back to work

1-12-09 - Monday - back to work. I am really enjoying my job. It is amazing the type of questions that come up. There was one man that is 83 and is retired from the military and retired as an AFFEES (civilian type military employee here), that needs more supervised medical care. His daughter-in-law called to find out about getting this set up for him. She had recently found out that he had not been getting his money from military retired pay or his civilian retirement, (veteran never told his son he wasn't getting his check.) She was trying to get his money situated and his future medical needs taken care of. He had over $32,000 in civilian retirement due to him; they had not been able to contact him due to whereabouts unknown. The bad part of this, is when he retired from his civilian job here, he stayed here so he has been here over 15 years illegally. Not only do they have to take care of getting him medical care, but they now have to deal with immigration, which she said is not looking too good. Another bad part of this is her mother in law was a Japanese National, so they can't actually prove this man is the father of her husband. Now I am trying to figure out how I can help get some medical care arranged for this veteran! He will probably go back to Hawaii and hopefully I can assist in getting in touch with the VAMC there. Sorry to bore you with all this, but any of you they have ever taken care of an aging parent knows what a challenge this can be under the best of circumstances.

I have to do better with posting everyday! It is hard to make any sense of the order of the pictures that I am posting. Jennifer could probably do this with no problem, but she isn't here to teach me!

I miss you all and hope that you are enjoying Okinawa thru my eyes. Please keep in touch. Remember, I don't hear any tidbits of info from home, so even the little things or just a note to say Hi are important to me!

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