Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Spiderman is in Okinawa~

1-15-09 - Thursday - Well I have been here two weeks and I have already worn out the TV. You remember my ignorance of not being able to watch my videos last weekend? Well Tuesday evening I couldn't get a picture on my TV. I called and reported it, yesterday when I came in there was a note that it was working and the cable was loose. When I turned on the TV, still a blank screen! So I called back. I was beginning to think I just don't know how to use this TV. Stephen is the one that takes care of all the technical stuff at home! So I met the building manager here today, and he admitted that he thought I just didn't know how to use the TV, about that time, the picture went off! He checked it and the picture tube is out. Thank goodness, there is really something wrong! Anyway, tomorrow I will move to a room downstairs, which is great because it is close to the laundry room and on the first floor! My feet have really been swelling; Jennifer, Stephen and I decided that it is because I am on my feet so much more than usual.

I went to Camp Kinzer Marine Base yesterday for a briefing, it is on the beach. There were big purple sea shells. I said I will have to bring everyone a purple sea shell so they will think of me when they see it! It was so exciting!

I saw Spiderman yesterday. He was climbing a building in Okinawa, check out his picture.

1 comment:

  1. Carol, How exciting! Alleen sent me the link and I am just now getting caught up on all of your adventures so far. I cannot imagine how courageous you are - we Voglers are such chickens and I have trouble doing anything by myself. Thanks for the chance to experience this through your eyes!
